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smål aperitivo spritz

your new favourite summer spritz. fruity, citrusy and less boozy, with either half OR 20 times less alcohol than in a traditional aperitivo spritz!


10 ml (1 cl) smål boosted aperitivo
100 ml (10 cl) sparkling wine OR non-alcoholic sparkling wine
100 ml (10 cl) cranberry juice
a lot of ice cubes
slice of orange
mint twig


large wine glass

how to make one:

measure smål boosted aperitivo with the attached 10 ml measure. pour it into the glass, add the cranberry juice and fill the glass with ice. pour the sparkling wine on top, mix gently and garnish with an orange slice and fresh mint.

with traditional sparkling wine: 5-6% alcohol by volume.
with non-alcoholic sparkling wine: 0,5%, or in another words, about the same amount of alcohol as in a glass of orange juice.